Triigi (Saaremaa), Saare County, Estonia
Sheltered from all directions. From WP1 (58°35.93’ N; 22°43.45’ E) proceed to the WP2 (58°35.64’ N; 22°43.44’ E) and then follow the Triigi leading line 228.6°–48.6° (Q WG – Iso G 2 s, green sector; orange trapeziums with black stripes on white metal post). There is a light beacon (Fl R 3 s) at the tip of the south breakwater. There is regular ferry traffic to the Hiiumaa Island (Sõru). The Triigi port is located in the rural municipality of Leisi. During the summer season you can visit a coffee shop, located next to the service building.
Depth: 3.0 meters
Max LOA: 13.0 meters
Max Width: 4.0 meters
Number of Berths: 40
Triigi (Saaremaa), Saare County, Estonia