Pāvilosta, Kurzeme, Latvia
Reception buoy on leading line, 1 nmi from port entry, 56°54.34’ N, 21°08.94’ E, Mo(A).W.10s. Mole light beacons: Fl.G.3s and Fl.R.3s. Straight entrance from NW following the leading line (direction 144.2°, Fl W 3 s). Big waves may appear between breakwaters at strong N, NW winds. Depth at guest piers: 2–3 m. Marinas are well protected from all wind directions.
Depth: 3.0 meters
Max LOA: 15.0 meters
Max Width: 5.0 meters
Number of Berths: 10
Pāvilosta, Kurzeme, Latvia