Manilaid islet, Pärnu County, Estonia
The seaward wharf that is used by the local ferry should always be unoccupied. Before entry contact the Munalaid Harbour Office for permission and instructions. Entry recommended only in daylight, good visibility and fair weather. Sheltered only from southerly winds. Approach from Munalaid safe water buoy (58°13.02’ N; 24°04.62’ E) and follow 70.4°–250.4° to Munalaid port-hand buoy (58°13.52’ N; 24°07.18’ E). Then follow the Munalaid leading line 330.3°–150.3° astern, to the harbour. Manija island is only 4.5 km in length and 0.5 km in width.
Depth: 2.9 meters
Max LOA: 18.0 meters
Max Width: 5.0 meters
Number of Berths: 5
Manilaid islet, Pärnu County, Estonia