Lõmala Marina

Lõmala (Saaremaa), Saare County, Estonia


Harbour overview

Sheltered from all directions, except from NE winds. Entry recommended only in daylight. From WP1 (58°09.70’ N; 22°07.80’ E) proceed to WP2 (58°10.20’ N; 22°07.50’ E). Channel to the harbour is marked by spar buoys. There is a day marker (58°10.37’ N; 22°07.18’ E; red metal cylinder) on the head of the breakwater.

Depth: 1.5 meters

Max LOA: 15.0 meters

Max Width: 4.0 meters

Number of Berths: 27


  • Saun
  • Fresh Water
  • Electric Hookup
  • Wi-Fi Access
  • Marina office
  • WC
  • Shower
  • Washing Machine


Depth Map

* Depths and heights measures in metres, in reference to mean sea level (BHS-77)

Lõmala Marina

Lõmala (Saaremaa), Saare County, Estonia

  • [javascript protected email address]
  • Lõmala (Saaremaa), Saare County, Estonia
    58°10'19"N, 22°6'59"E