
Lepneeme (Viimsi), Harju County, Estonia


Harbour overview

Sheltered from all directions, but there is heavy traffic in the Muuga Bay. Approach from safe water WP1 (59°27.50’ N; 24°44.28’ E) and steer to WP2 (59°27.32’ N; 24°44.17’ E). The harbour is protected from the east and west by breakwaters. Th entrance is marked with light beacons: Fl R 3 s on the east breakwater and Fl G 3 s on the west breakwater. Leppneeme is a small village near Tallinn (14 km) and it is the main point of traffic to Prangli island.

Depth: 3.0 meters

Max LOA: 25.0 meters

Max Width: 6.0 meters

Number of Berths: 6


  • Slipway
  • Electric Hookup
  • Wi-Fi Access
  • WC


Depth Map

* Depths and heights measures in metres, in reference to mean sea level (BHS-77)


Lepneeme (Viimsi), Harju County, Estonia

  • [javascript protected email address]
  • Lepneeme (Viimsi), Harju County, Estonia
    59°33'7"N, 24°51'60"E