Ülgase, Harju County, Estonia
Sheltered from all directions. From the safe water WP1 (59°30.40’ N; 25°05.60’ E) proceed to WP2 (59°30.30’N; 25°05.53’ E). Follow lateral spar buoys to the entrance of the harbour. At the tip of the east breakwater there is a light beacon (Fl W 5 s; 59°30.30’ N; 25°05.47‘ E). Entry recommended in daylight. Koljunuki harbour is well renovated and offers good services. It is a good place for having a small holiday and enjoying walks on the beach.
Depth: 2.5 meters
Max LOA: 24.0 meters
Max Width: 4.0 meters
Number of Berths: 22
Ülgase, Harju County, Estonia