Riga, Riga, Latvia
Approximately 1.6 nmi after entering Daugava from the Gulf of Rīga, keep left. The marina is located on the Audupe river (second left turn from the sea gate). Make a turn after passing red lateral buoy “6A” (57°02’.888 N; 024°03’.510 E) and turn to 66°T for approx. 0.33 nmi. Pass green lateral buoy “A1” (57°02’.894 N; 024°03’.792 E) and keep straight until you pass a white floating two-story building. The first guest pier is just right behind it (57°02’.987 N; 24°04’.066 E). Draught level is 4 m. Jahtas.eu marina is located on the left side of the river, just before the yacht club Auda
Depth: 3.5 meters
Max LOA: 20.0 meters
Max Width: 7.0 meters
Number of Berths: 30
Riga, Riga, Latvia